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J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract ; 11(4): 1116-1122, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36379407


BACKGROUND: The safe consumption of foods depends on their allergen content in relation to patients' lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) and no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL), as well as other factors. In the case of milk, data on LOAEL and NOAEL are limited and conflicting. OBJECTIVE: To determine the threshold dose distribution and the lowest individual eliciting dose (ED) for milk in a large group of milk-allergic patients METHODS: Individuals with confirmed cow's milk allergy who underwent a diagnostic or pre-oral immunotherapy open milk oral food challenge at the Institute of Allergy, Immunology, and Pediatric Pulmonology at Shamir Medical Center between 2010 and 2015 were included. A subgroup of patients with severe milk allergy underwent a modified challenge with a 90- to 120-minute interval after a starting dose of 0.3 mg cow's milk protein. RESULTS: A total of 866 participants (193 with diagnostic challenges and 673 with pre-oral immunotherapy challenges) were included in the study. The discrete ED01 and ED05, or values derived in which 1% or 5% of the respective allergic population would be predicted to experience an allergic reaction, were 1.1 to 1.9 and 4.7 to 5.6 mg milk protein, respectively, and values for cumulative doses for ED01 and ED05 were 0.9 to 1.8 and 5.2 to 6.2 mg milk protein, respectively. No patients, including the most severely milk-allergic individuals who underwent the modified challenge, reacted to the first 0.3 mg protein dose. CONCLUSION: This report provides valuable information about milk NOAELs, LOAELs, and EDs that might assist regulators in decisions about food labeling in general, and milk in particular.

Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Humanos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Leite , Proteínas do Leite , Alérgenos , Gestão de Riscos
Pediatr Res ; 93(4): 772-779, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36253506


BACKGROUND: We aimed to assess the ability of Cow's Milk-related Symptom Score (CoMiss) in screening cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) and assess validation of its sensitivity and specificity. METHODS: We searched the PubMed, WOS, Embase, and Ovid databases using broad terms and keywords for the concepts of the symptom-based score (CoMiss) and cow's milk allergy. We performed the meta-analyses using a meta-package of R software and Meta-DiSc software. RESULTS: Fourteen studies were included with a total of 1238 children. At cut-off value 12, CoMiss had a pooled sensitivity of 0.64 and a pooled specificity of 0.75. The PLR and NLR were 3.05 and 0.5, respectively. The AUC value of the sROC curve was 0.7866. CoMiss showed a significant difference in CMPA patients at baseline and after milk elimination for 2-4 weeks (MD, 7.18), as well as between the CMPA-positive group compared with the CMPA-negative group, however, the statistical significancy was obtained after leave study of Selbuz et al. out of the analysis (MD, 4.61). CONCLUSIONS: CoMiss may be a promising symptom score in the Awareness of the symptoms related to cow's milk allergy and a useful tool in monitoring the response to a cow's milk-free diet. IMPACT: Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) is the most frequent food allergy in children under the age of 3 years. Cow's Milk-related Symptom Score (CoMiss) is a clinical scoring system to assist primary healthcare providers in early detection of CMPA We performed a meta-analysis of CoMiss test accuracy. Our findings reflect that CoMiss may be a promising symptom score in CMPA awareness and a useful tool in monitoring the response to a cow's milk-free diet.

Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Leite , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Alérgenos , Bases de Dados Factuais , Proteínas do Leite
Brasília; CONITEC; mar. 2022.
Não convencional em Português | BRISA | ID: biblio-1368904


INTRODUÇÃO: A APLV é caracterizada pela reação do sistema imunológico às proteínas do leite, principalmente à caseína (proteína do coalho) e às proteínas do soro do leite (alfa-lactoalbumina e beta-lactoglobulina). Os sintomas, em geral, se desenvolvem após a introdução do leite de vaca (LV), fórmulas alimentares ou alimentos à base de LV (por exemplo, mingau de aveia ou leite com outros tipos de engrossantes ou farinhas). Embora crianças em aleitamento materno exclusivo possam entrar em contato com a proteína do LV pelo leite materno, uma vez que a mulher que amamenta consuma LV e seus derivados, um pequeno número destas crianças reagem à essa proteína e desenvolvem APLV. O diagnóstico da APLV é realizado a partir da ocorrência de história clínica sugestiva da APLV, desaparecimento dos sintomas em 1 a 30 dias após exclusão da proteína do leite de vaca (fase de exclusão) da dieta e reaparecimento dos sintomas após reapresentação da proteína do leite de vaca, por meio do teste de provocação oral (TPO). O TPO consiste na oferta progressiva do alimento suspeito e/ou placebo, em intervalos regulares, sob supervisão médica para monitoramento de possíveis reações clínicas, após um período de exclusão dietética necessário para resolução dos sintomas clínicos. TECNOLOGIA: Teste de provocação oral (TPO). PERGUNTA: Qual a acurácia do TPO para diagnóstico de APLV em comparação com os testes diagnósticos disponíveis no SUS? TPO é custo-efetivo e economicamente viável na perspectiva do SUS? EVIDÊNCIAS CLÍNICAS: Em todos os trabalhos apresentados, o TPO, quer seja o aberto ou duplo-cego, é visto, com unanimidade, como o método padrão-ouro dentro do processo de diagnóstico da APLV, mesmo não tendo sido investigado como objeto de estudo em nenhum dos trabalhos incluídos. As evidências que comparam as outras tecnologias incorporadas ao TPO (utilizado como teste de referência), mostram a relação de acurácia e segurança com recomendação baixa ou muito baixa. AVALIAÇÃO ECONÔMICA: Através de simulação computacional por modelo híbrido de árvore de decisão e estados de Markov, foi avaliada a relação de custo-efetividade do TPO em comparação com os testes disponíveis pelo SUS (pesquisa de Imunoglobulina E e teste cutâneo de leitura imediata) como teste diagnóstico para APLV e posterior monitoramento da tolerância adquirida, em crianças até 24 meses. Em ambos os casos, o TPO se mostrou dominante, ou seja, proporciona maior benefício por um menor custo. A economia por paciente submetido ao TPO foi estimada em R$ 1.272 para comparação com pesquisa de IgE e R$ 526 em comparação com teste cutâneo. Houve benefício com TPO para anos de vida ajustados pela qualidade, pois com TPO a proporção de falso-negativo é menor (pacientes falso-negativos têm a doença mas não são tratados, apresentando pior qualidade de vida). Adicionalmente, foi estimada minimização de gastos com pacientes que não apresentam a doença mas que são tratados por serem falsopositivos: R$ 1.563 em comparação com IgE e R$ 811 em comparação com teste cutâneo. Os resultados da análise probabilística corroboram o resultado principal, sendo que 100% das simulações retornaram maior efetividade por menor custo. ANÁLISE DE IMPACTO ORÇAMENTÁRIO: O impacto orçamentário da substituição dos testes diagnósticos atualmente disponíveis (pesquisa de IgE e teste cutâneo) foi calculado com base em dois cenários: Cenário 1, no qual 100% dos casos suspeitos realizariam TPO, devido à sua facilidade de execução e por ser o teste padrão-ouro para diagnóstico de APLV e Cenário 2, no qual 60% dos casos suspeitos realizariam TPO no primeiro ano (2022), enquanto os outros 40% estariam divididos entre pesquisa de IgE e teste cutâneo de leitura imediata, com aumento gradativo linear da utilização de TPO até se atingir o valor de 100% ao final de 5 anos. A população-alvo foi baseada na população brasileira de 0 a 24 meses e na prevalência de casos suspeitos de APLV. Ao longo de 5 anos, foi estimada uma economia entre R$ 470.085.225 a R$ 589.253.518 com a incorporação do TPO para APLV. RECOMENDAÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS: Não foram localizados documentos avaliando a acurácia, segurança ou aspectos econômicos do TPO para APLV. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: No que tange a relação clínica, os estudos demonstraram que o TPO ainda é padrão-ouro diante de outras tecnologias incorporadas, vez que nas análises que envolvem acurácia e segurança, os outros testes apresentaram evidências com baixo nível de qualidade. Em relação à evidência econômica, a utilização de TPO como teste diagnóstico para APLV gera economia. Isto se deve, especialmente, à maior acurácia deste teste, o que permite a otimização de gastos com fórmulas nutricionais, ou seja, é reduzido o uso de fórmulas por crianças que não apresentam APLV mas que são diagnosticadas incorretamente quando testes menos acurados são empregados. RECOMENDAÇÃO PRELIMINAR DA CONITEC: Diante do exposto, os membros da Conitec, em sua 104ª reunião ordinária, realizada no dia 08 de dezembro de 2021, deliberaram que a matéria fosse disponibilizada em consulta pública com recomendação preliminar favorável à incorporação do teste de provocação oral (TPO) para diagnóstico e monitoramento de pacientes até 24 meses com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca (APLV). Foi considerado que o TPO é o padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico de APLV compotencial de gerar economia ao SUS. CONSULTA PÚBLICA: Das 234 contribuições recebidas com opinião sobre o tema, 52 estavam em branco, restando 182 com algum comentário. Destas, 174 se declararam a favor da incorporação da tecnologia em análise. Os assuntos abordados pelos participantes foram: TPO proporciona diagnóstico correto, reduz o uso desnecessário de fórmulas nutricionais, trata-se do teste padrão-ouro para diagnóstico de APLV, necessidade de ambiente adequado para realização devido ao risco de reação anafilática. Em relação às 7 opiniões contrárias à incorporação, os pontos citados foram: necessidade de maior detalhamento sobre a capacitação profissional para realização do teste, falta de estrutura para oferta em nível nacional, a demora para execução do TPO pode restringir a oferta das fórmulas aos pacientes. Em referência à única contribuição em que o contribuinte assinalou não ter opinião formada, o comentário é acerca de a exigência do TPO ser uma barreira para acesso às fórmulas. RECOMENDAÇÃO FINAL DA CONITEC: Os membros do plenário, presentes na 109ª Reunião Ordinária da Conitec, no dia 10 de março de 2022, deliberaram, por unanimidade, recomendar a incorporação no SUS do teste de provocação oral (TPO) para diagnóstico e monitoramento de pacientes até 24 meses com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca (APLV). Foi assinado o Registro de Deliberação nº 716/2022. DECISÃO: Incorporar o teste de provocação oral (TPO) para o diagnóstico e monitoramento de pacientes até 24 meses com alergia à proteína do leite de vaca (APLV), no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS, conforme a Portaria nº 32, publicada no Diário Oficial da União nº 63, seção 1, página 331, em 1 de abril de 2022.

Humanos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos/instrumentação , Sistema Único de Saúde , Brasil , Análise Custo-Benefício/economia
BMJ Open ; 12(2): e056641, 2022 02 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35177461


OBJECTIVES: The MOSAIC study aimed to evaluate if the Cow's Milk-related Symptom Score (CoMiSS) can be used as a stand-alone diagnostic tool for cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA). DESIGN: Single-blinded, prospective, multicentre diagnostic accuracy study. SETTING: 10 paediatric centres in China. PARTICIPANTS: 300 non-breastfed infants (median age 16.1 weeks) with suspected CMPA. INTERVENTIONS: After performing the baseline CoMiSS, infants commenced a cow's milk protein elimination diet with amino acid-based formula for 14 days. CoMiSS was repeated at the end of the elimination trial. Infants then underwent an open oral food challenge (OFC) with cow's milk-based formula (CMF) in hospital. Infants who did not react during the OFC also completed a 14-day home challenge with CMF. A diagnosis of CMPA was made if acute or delayed reactions were reported. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: A logistic regression model for CoMiSS to predict CMPA was fitted and a receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve generated. An area under the curve (AUC) of ≥0.75 was deemed adequate to validate CoMiSS as a diagnostic tool (target sensitivity 80%-90% and specificity 60%-70%). RESULTS: Of 254 infants who commenced the OFC, 250 completed both challenges, and a diagnosis of CMPA made in 217 (85.4%). The median baseline CoMiSS in this group fell from 8 (IQR 5-10) to 5 (IQR 3-7) at visit 2 (p<0.000000001), with a median change of -3 (IQR -6 to -1). A baseline CoMiSS of ≥12 had a low sensitivity (20.3%), but high specificity (87.9%) and high positive predictive value (91.7%) for CMPA. The ROC analysis with an AUC of 0.67 fell short of the predefined primary endpoint. CONCLUSIONS: The present study did not support the use of CoMiSS as a stand-alone diagnostic tool for CMPA. Nevertheless, CoMiSS remains a clinically useful awareness tool to help identify infants with cow's milk-related symptoms. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03004729; Pre-results.

Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Alérgenos , Animais , Área Sob a Curva , Bovinos , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Leite , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Estudos Prospectivos
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract ; 10(1): 206-214.e1, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34737107


BACKGROUND: Some aspects of diagnostic elimination/challenge diets in food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP) are still poorly defined. OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the symptom spectrum, time required for resolution of each symptom, triggering foods, and risk factors for multiple food allergies (MFA) in FPIAP. METHODS: Infants referred with visible blood in stool were enrolled after etiologies other than FPIAP had been excluded. Laboratory evaluation, clinical features, and elimination/challenge steps were performed prospectively during diagnostic management. RESULTS: Ninety-one of 102 infants (53 boys) were diagnosed with FPIAP. Eleven children did not bleed during challenges. Visible blood in stool began before 2 months of age in 63.6% of the infants not diagnosed with FPIAP, compared with 18.9% of the patients with FPIAP (P = .003). Offending foods were identified as cow's milk (94.5%), egg (37.4%), beef (10.9%), wheat (5.5%), and nuts (3.3%). MFA was determined in 42.9% of patients. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified atopic dermatitis (AD) (odds ratio [OR]: 2.98, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.18-7.55, P = .021) and an eosinophil count ≥300 cells/µL (OR: 2.72, 95% CI: 1.09-6.80, P = .032) as independent risk factors for MFA. Blood and mucus in stool disappeared in a median 3 days (interquartile range [IQR]: 1-14.5 days) and 30 days (IQR: 8-75 days), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A tendency to transient bleeding occurs in infants who present with bloody stool before 2 months of age. A 2-week duration of elimination for blood in stool is sufficient to reach a judgment of suspected foods for FPIAP. Mucus in stool is the last symptom to disappear. Concurrent AD suggests a high probability of MFA in FPIAP.

Hipersensibilidade Alimentar , Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Proctocolite , Alérgenos , Animais , Bovinos , Dieta , Feminino , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/epidemiologia , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Proctocolite/diagnóstico , Estudos Prospectivos
World J Pediatr ; 17(6): 576-589, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34817828


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to develop an expert consensus regarding the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) in the Middle East. METHODS: A three-step modified Delphi method was utilized to develop the consensus. Fifteen specialized pediatricians participated in the development of this consensus. Each statement was considered a consensus if it achieved an agreement level of ≥ 80%. RESULTS: The experts agreed that the double-blind placebo-controlled oral challenge test (OCT) should be performed for 2-4 weeks using an amino acid formula (AAF) in formula-fed infants or children with suspected CMPA. Formula-fed infants with confirmed CMPA should be offered a therapeutic formula. The panel stated that an extensively hydrolyzed formula (eHF) is indicated in the absence of red flag signs. At the same time, the AAF is offered for infants with red flag signs, such as severe anaphylactic reactions. The panel agreed that infants on an eHF with resolved symptoms within 2-4 weeks should continue the eHF with particular attention to the growth and nutritional status. On the other hand, an AAF should be considered for infants with persistent symptoms; the AAF should be continued if the symptoms resolve within 2-4 weeks, with particular attention to the growth and nutritional status. In cases with no symptomatic improvements after the introduction of an AAF, other measures should be followed. The panel developed a management algorithm, which achieved an agreement level of 90.9%. CONCLUSION: This consensus document combined the best available evidence and clinical experience to optimize the management of CMPA in the Middle East.

Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Animais , Bovinos , Método Duplo-Cego , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Fórmulas Infantis , Oriente Médio/epidemiologia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/epidemiologia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/prevenção & controle
Pediatr Allergy Immunol ; 32(7): 1497-1507, 2021 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33971057


BACKGROUND: Cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) is an immune-mediated allergic response to proteins in milk that is common in infants. Broad CMPA symptoms make diagnosis a challenge, particularly in primary care. Symptom scores may improve a clinician's awareness of symptoms, indicating a need for further testing. This systematic review examined the development and evaluation of such symptom scores for use in infants. METHODS: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases were searched from inception to 3 December 2019 (Updated 14 November 2020) for diagnostic accuracy studies, randomised controlled trials, observational studies, economic evaluations, qualitative studies and studies reporting development of the tools. Data were not suitable for meta-analysis due to clinical and methodological heterogeneity, so were narratively synthesised. RESULTS: We found two symptom scores evaluated in one and fourteen studies, respectively. Estimated sensitivity and specificity ranged from 37% to 98% and 38% to 93%. The evaluations of each tool were at high risk of bias or failed to address issues such as clinical and cost-effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS: Estimates of accuracy of symptom scores for CMPA offered so far should be interpreted cautiously. Rigorous, conflict-free research based on well-defined roles for the tools is urgently required.

Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Alérgenos , Animais , Bovinos , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Proteínas do Leite , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
J Paediatr Child Health ; 56(11): 1799-1805, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32468665


BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of cows milk protein allergy (CMPA) is not always easy. Cow's Milk-related Symptom Score (CoMiSS) has been developed to raise the awareness of CMPA among the primary health-care providers. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the validity of CoMiSS as a diagnostic approach of CMPA in infants in our country. METHODS: Infants with a CoMiSS of more than 12 points were included. An elimination diet was implemented in these infants for 4 weeks, and CoMiSS was reapplied. Infants with a reduction of ≥3 points in CoMiSS were considered responsive to the elimination diet, and an open oral challenge test was performed. Infants with symptom recurrence were diagnosed with CMPA. RESULTS: The study included 168 infants. When they were included in the study, the first CoMiSS score was 13.6 ± 1.9. After the elimination diet, the number of responsive infants was 154 (91.7%). Of the infants, 91 (54.2%) were diagnosed with CMPA with positive challenge. The majority of the patients diagnosed with CMPA presented with gastrointestinal and/or dermatological symptoms (80.3%). Positive family history of allergy was more prevalent in CMPA(+) infants (P < 0.001). The mean atopic dermatitis score was higher in CMPA(+) infants (P = 0.001). Eosinophilia and cows milk-specific IgE (CM-sIgE) positivity were more prevalent in infants with CMPA (P = 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: CoMiSS is a valuable tool to evaluate CMPA in primary care. The presence of multiple symptoms, especially skin involvement, helps to recognise infants with CMPA. Family history and eosinophilia also support the diagnosis of CMPA.

Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Leite , Alérgenos , Animais , Bovinos , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Imunoglobulina E , Lactente , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Proteínas do Leite , Recidiva
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract ; 8(5): 1692-1699.e1, 2020 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31917366


BACKGROUND: Food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP) is an early and common manifestation of food allergy, yet its epidemiology and relationship to other allergic diseases remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: To prospectively define the incidence of FPIAP as it is being diagnosed clinically in the community and to identify factors associated with its development. METHODS: A total of 1003 of 1162 eligible serial healthy newborn infants recruited from a single suburban pediatrics practice were followed prospectively for the diagnosis of FPIAP. Investigators reviewed each case to confirm prespecified inclusion criteria, including documented gross or occult blood in the stool. RESULTS: A total of 903 infants were analyzed (46% females, 89% term, 32% caesarian-section, 9% neonatal antibiotics); 153 cases met inclusion criteria, a cumulative incidence of 17%, while 63 (7%) had gross blood. Infants initially fed both breast milk and formula were 61% less likely to develop FPIAP compared with those exclusively formula-fed (hazard ratio, 0.39; P = .005). Breast milk and formula at any point during the first 4 months were also associated with lower risk compared with exclusive formula or exclusive breast milk (hazard ratio, 0.44; P = .005; hazard ratio, 0.62; P = .0497). Eczema (odds ratio, 1.5; 95% confidence interval, 1.1- 2.2; P = .02) or a first-degree relative with food allergies (odds ratio, 1.9; 95% confidence interval, 1.2-2.8; P = .005) were among risk factors for FPIAP development. CONCLUSIONS: The prospectively defined incidence of FPIAP when diagnosed clinically by community pediatricians without challenge is markedly higher than published estimates. Combination feeding of formula and breast milk is associated with the lowest rate of FPIAP in this population.

Hipersensibilidade Alimentar , Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Proctocolite , Animais , Criança , Feminino , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/epidemiologia , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/epidemiologia , Sangue Oculto , Pediatras , Gravidez , Proctocolite/diagnóstico , Proctocolite/epidemiologia , Estudos Prospectivos
BMC Pediatr ; 19(1): 191, 2019 06 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31179927


BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of cow's milk protein allergy(CMPA) may be easily misdiagnosed due to its lack of specific symptoms. Thus, experts have proposed the use of Cow's milk-related symptom scores (CoMiSS) to predict CMPA. There has been no relevant report on the clinical application value of CoMiSS in Chinese children. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of CoMiSS in early identification of CMPA in Chinese infants. METHODS: We calculated CoMiSS for 38 infants with suspected CMPA diagnosed in the pediatric gastroenterologic clinic in our hospital. After 4 weeks of dietary elimination and symptomatic improvement, these infants returned to our hospital to undergo oral food challenge (OFC). The ROC curve was used to determine the sensitivity and specificity of CoMiSS and evaluate the effect of CoMiSS in early identification of CMPA in Chinese infants. We didn't determine the CoMiSS of presumed healthy infants as control group. RESULTS: Of 38 infants who underwent OFC testing, the average CoMiSS of infants with positive OFC testing was 7.4 ± 2.3, while the average CoMiSS of infants with negative OFC testing was 4.1 ± 1.6, and there was a significant difference between two groups(F = 2.13, P<0.05). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of CoMiSS was 0.89, and the best diagnostic cut-off point was 5.5. The sensitivity of CoMiSS was 87.5%, while the specificity of CoMiSS was 78.6%. CONCLUSION: CoMiSS is a simple and operable method to screen for CMPA, though there may be a risk of under-diagnosis when CoMiSS≥12 is used as the criterion for early identification of CMPA in Chinese infants. More multi-center studies are needed to evaluate whether the factors such as bloody stool should be included in CoMiSS or CoMiSS≥6 can be used as the criterion for early identification of CMPA in Chinese infants.

Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Proteínas do Leite/efeitos adversos , Avaliação de Sintomas/métodos , Animais , Área Sob a Curva , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Bovinos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , China , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/complicações , Estudos Prospectivos , Curva ROC , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
Curr Med Res Opin ; 34(9): 1539-1548, 2018 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29098889


OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of using an extensively hydrolyzed casein formula containing the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (eHCF + LGG; Nutramigen LGG) compared with an eHCF alone and an amino acid formula (AAF) in treating cow's milk allergy (CMA) in the US, from the perspective of third-party insurers and from parents. METHODS: A decision model was used to estimate the probability of cow's milk allergic infants developing tolerance to cow's milk by 18 months. The model also estimated the cost to insurers and parents (US dollars at 2016 prices) of managing infants over 18 months after starting one of the formulae, as well as the relative cost-effectiveness of each of the formulae. RESULTS: The probability of developing tolerance to cow's milk was higher among infants who were fed eHCF + LGG compared with those fed an eHCF alone or an AAF. Infants who are initially fed with eHCF + LGG are expected to utilize fewer healthcare resources than those fed with one of the other formulae. Hence, the estimated total healthcare cost incurred by third-party insurers and parents of initially feeding infants with eHCF + LGG was less than that of feeding infants with an eHCF alone or an AAF. CONCLUSION: Initial management of newly-diagnosed cow's milk allergic infants with eHCF + LGG was found to afford a cost-effective strategy to both third-party insurers and parents when compared to an eHCF alone or an AAF.

Caseínas , Fórmulas Infantis/economia , Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus/fisiologia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Probióticos/uso terapêutico , Caseínas/economia , Caseínas/uso terapêutico , Quelantes , Análise Custo-Benefício , Técnicas de Apoio para a Decisão , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/economia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/epidemiologia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/terapia , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia
J Med Econ ; 20(9): 923-930, 2017 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28602101


AIMS: To evaluate practice patterns in the management of cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA) and associated economic burden of disease on health service in Turkey. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was based on experts' views on the practice patterns in management of CMPA manifesting with either proctocolitis or eczema symptoms and, thereby, aimed to estimate economic burden of CMPA. Practice patterns were determined via patient flow charts developed by experts using the modified Delphi method for CMPA presented with proctocolitis and eczema. Per patient total 2-year direct medical costs were calculated, including cost items of physician visits, laboratory tests, and treatment. RESULTS: According to the consensus opinion of experts, 2-year total direct medical cost from a payer perspective and societal perspective was calculated to be $US2,116.05 and $US2,435.84, respectively, in an infant with CMPA presenting with proctocolitis symptoms, and $US4,001.65 and $US4,828.90, respectively, in an infant with CMPA presenting with eczema symptoms. Clinical nutrition was the primary cost driver that accounted for 89-92% of 2-year total direct medical costs, while the highest total direct medical cost estimated from a payer perspective and societal perspective was noted for the management of an exclusively formula-fed infant presenting either with proctocolitis ($US3,743.85 and $US4,025.63, respectively) or eczema ($US6,854.10 and $US7,917.30, respectively). The first line use of amino acid based formula (AAF) was associated with total direct cost increment $US1,848.08 and $US3,444.52 in the case of proctocolitis and eczema, respectively. LIMITATIONS: Certain limitations to this study should be considered. First, being focused only on direct costs, the lack of data on indirect costs or intangible costs of illness seems to be a major limitation of the present study, which likely results in a downward bias in the estimates of the economic cost of CMPA. Second, given the limited number of studies concerning epidemiology and practice patterns in CMPA in Turkey, use of expert clinical opinion of the panel members rather than real-life data on practice patterns that were used to identify direct medical costs might raise a concern with the validity and reliability of the data. Also, while this was a three-step study with six experts included in the first stage (developing local guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of infants with CMPA in Turkey) and 410 pediatricians included in the second stage (a cross-sectional questionnaire-survey to determine pediatricians' awareness and practice of CMPA in infants and children), only four members were included in the present Delphi panel, which allows a limited discussion. Third, lack of sensitivity analyses and exclusion of indirect costs and costs related to alterations in quality of life, behavior of infants, and general well-being of infants and their parents from the cost-analysis seems to be another limitation that may have caused under-estimation of relative cost-effectiveness of the formulae. Fourth, calculation of costs per local guidelines rather than real-life practice patterns is another limitation that, otherwise, would extend the knowledge achieved in the current study. Notwithstanding these limitations, the present expert panel provided practice patterns in the management of CMPA and an estimate of the associated costs, depending on the symptom profile at initial admission for the first time in Turkey. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, in providing the first health economic data on CMPA in Turkey, the findings revealed that CMPA imposes a substantial burden on the Turkish healthcare system from both a payer perspective and societal perspective, and indicated clinical nutrition as a primary cost driver. Management of infants presenting with eczema, exclusively formula-fed infants, and first line use of AAF were associated with higher estimates for 2-year direct medical costs.

Gastos em Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/economia , Padrões de Prática Médica/estatística & dados numéricos , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Estudos Transversais , Técnica Delphi , Eczema/economia , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Fórmulas Infantis/economia , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/terapia , Modelos Econométricos , Visita a Consultório Médico/economia , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Proctocolite/economia , Qualidade de Vida , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Turquia
J Med Econ ; 19(12): 1207-1214, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27441755


AIMS: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of a new strategy that uses an amino acid formula in the elimination diet of infants with suspected cow's milk allergy (CMA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This pharmacoeconomic study was developed from the perspective of the Brazilian Public Healthcare System. The new strategy proposes using an amino acid formula in the diagnostic elimination diet of infants (≤24 months) with suspected CMA. The rationale is that infants who do not respond to the amino acid formula do not suffer from CMA. Patients with a positive oral challenge test receive a therapeutic elimination diet based on Brazilian Food Allergy Guidelines. This approach was compared to the current recommendations of the Brazilian Food Allergy Guidelines. A decision model was constructed using TreeAge Pro 2012 software. Model inputs were based on a literature review and the opinions of a panel of experts. A univariate sensitivity analysis of incremental cost-effectiveness ratios was performed. RESULTS: The mean cost per patient of the new amino acid formula strategy was R$3,341.57, while the cost of the current Brazilian guidelines strategy was R$3,641.08. The mean number of symptom-free days per patient, which was used as an indicator of effectiveness, was 900.6 and 875.7 days, respectively. The new strategy is, therefore, dominant. In the sensitivity analysis, the dominance was maintained with parameter variation. LIMITATIONS: In the absence of information in the literature, some premises were defined by a panel of specialists. CONCLUSIONS: The new strategy, which uses an amino acid formula in the elimination diagnostic diet followed by an oral food challenge, is a dominant pharmacoeconomic approach that has a lower cost and results in an increased number of symptom-free days.

Aminoácidos , Técnicas de Diagnóstico do Sistema Digestório/economia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Animais , Brasil , Bovinos , Análise Custo-Benefício , Árvores de Decisões , Farmacoeconomia , Humanos , Lactente , Sensibilidade e Especificidade
PLoS One ; 10(7): e0131804, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26134827


OBJECTIVES: Knowledge about the prevalence of allergies to foods in childhood and adolescence is incomplete. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of allergies to milk, egg, cod, and wheat using reported data, clinical examinations, and double-blind placebo-controlled food challenges, and to describe the phenotypes of reported food hypersensitivity in a cohort of Swedish schoolchildren. METHODS: In a population-based cohort of 12-year-old children, the parents of 2612 (96% of invited) completed a questionnaire. Specific IgE antibodies to foods were analyzed in a random sample (n=695). Children reporting complete avoidance of milk, egg, cod, or wheat due to perceived hypersensitivity and without physician-diagnosed celiac disease were invited to undergo clinical examination that included specific IgE testing, a celiac screening test, and categorization into phenotypes of food hypersensitivity according to preset criteria. Children with possible food allergy were further evaluated with double-blind challenges. RESULTS: In this cohort, the prevalence of reported food allergy to milk, egg, cod, or wheat was 4.8%. Food allergy was diagnosed in 1.4% of the children after clinical evaluation and in 0.6% following double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge. After clinical examination, children who completely avoided one or more essential foods due to perceived food hypersensitivity were categorized with the following phenotypes: allergy (29%), outgrown allergy (19%), lactose intolerance (40%), and unclear (12%). CONCLUSIONS: There was a high discrepancy in the prevalence of allergy to milk, egg, cod and wheat as assessed by reported data, clinical evaluation, and double-blind food challenges. Food hypersensitivity phenotyping according to preset criteria was helpful for identifying children with food allergy.

Hipersensibilidade a Ovo/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/epidemiologia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade a Trigo/diagnóstico , Alérgenos/imunologia , Animais , Criança , Estudos de Coortes , Método Duplo-Cego , Hipersensibilidade a Ovo/imunologia , Feminino , Produtos Pesqueiros , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/imunologia , Gadus morhua , Humanos , Hipersensibilidade , Imunoglobulina E/sangue , Intolerância à Lactose , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/imunologia , Fenótipo , Prevalência , Inquéritos e Questionários , Suécia/epidemiologia , Hipersensibilidade a Trigo/imunologia
Pediatr Allergy Immunol ; 26(5): 409-15, 2015 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25970081


BACKGROUND: Many children with cow's milk allergy (CMA) develop tolerance, but, challenges in daily life may remain. Using the Food hypersensitivity famiLy ImPact questionnaire (FLIP), we sought to monitor changes in the impact of CMA over time. METHODS: Families of children with CMA, who participated in the validation of the FLIP, were re-approached 6 months later for follow-up. Change in reported difficulties was assessed by paired sample t-test and mixed models, stratifying by outgrown vs. persistent CMA. RESULTS: Impact on families with children who had outgrown CMA (n = 20) decreased in the FLIP's total score (p = 0.0001) and in two subscales; Health and Emotions (p = 0.0001) and Everyday Life (p = 0.0001). In contrast, no significant improvements were registered in nutritional concerns. Impact on the group with persistent CMA (n = 57) was unchanged at follow-up except for more impact on Everyday Life (p = 0.001). In the final analysis comparing longitudinal changes in the groups, the strongest differences were observed for the subscales Health & Emotions and Everyday Life; for the Nutrition subscale, the between-group changes also differed, but to lesser extent. CONCLUSIONS: We have documented the varying impact of CMA on parents and children over time. Families who were still affected continued to experience impact in daily life. Despite development of tolerance, families who were no longer affected revealed continuing nutritional concerns. Follow-ups should be offered even after outgrown CMA to encourage progression to unrestricted diet, to prevent eating disorders and to promote healthy growth.

Atividades Cotidianas , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Relações Familiares , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Inquéritos e Questionários , Animais , Bovinos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Emoções , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/fisiopatologia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/psicologia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/terapia , Estado Nutricional , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Suécia , Fatores de Tempo
Comun. ciênc. saúde ; 25(3/4): [291-302], jan., 21, 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | MS | ID: mis-37646


Introdução: A alergia ao leite de vaca é caracterizada por reaçõesimunológicas adversas, imediatas ou não, decorrentes do contatocom a proteína do leite de vaca.Objetivo: Avaliar o estado nutricional e o consumo calórico-proteicode portadora de Alergia à Leite de Vaca. Metodologia: Estudode caso realizado com escolar de 3 anos com alergia. Foi avaliadoa antropometria, o consumo alimentar de calorias e proteínas peloregistro de 3 dias , antes e após a remissão dos sintomas e o uso defórmulas para fins especiais. As informações foram comparadascom padrões de referência para consumo alimentar e protocolos detratamento para alergia.Resultados e Discussão: Paciente com histórico de baixo peso aonascimento. Ao longo do crescimento e desenvolvimento apresentouperíodos de estagnação, baixo peso e risco nutricional devidoà intercorrências como alergia, crises respiratórias e vômitos. Foinecessária intervenção clínica e nutricional com fórmulas especializadase dieta especial. Aos 2 anos e 9 meses adquiriu espontaneamentea tolerância à proteína do leite e passou a consumir leitee derivados sem a presença de sintomas, no entanto, manteve abaixa estatura e peso para idade, mesmo ingerindo todos os gruposalimentares o que mostra a importância do acompanhamento nutricional, mesmo após cessado o agravo.Conclusão: A forma de tratamento da alergia ao leite de vaca épor meio da alimentação, com uma dieta substitutiva adequada eacompanhamento nutricional. É fundamental o acompanhamento da antropometria, o consumo calórico e proteico durante o tratamento,assim como a história do nascimento, para se evitar o comprometimentodo crescimento e desenvolvimento.(AU)

Introduction: Allergy to cow’s milk is characterized by harsh, immediateor otherwise, arising from contact with immune reactionsto cow’s milk protein.Objective: To assess the nutritional status and calorie-protein intakecarrier Allergy to Cow’s Milk. Methodology: Case study donewith three year-old child with allergy. Anthropometry, dietary intakeof calories and protein for registering 3 days before and afterremission of symptoms and the use of formulas for special purposeswas evaluated. The results were compared with reference standardsfor food consumption and for allergy treatment protocols.Results and Discussion: Patient with a history of low birthweight. Throughout the growth and development showed periodsof stagnation, low weight and nutritional risk due to complicationssuch as allergies, respiratory crises and vomiting. Was necessaryclinical and nutritional intervention with specialized formulasand special diet. Since her two years and nine months, she spontaneouslyacquired tolerance to milk protein and proceeded toconsume dairy products without the presence of symptoms, however,remained low height for age and weight, even eating all thefood groups which shows the importance nutritional monitoring,ceased even after the grievance.Conclusion: The treatment of allergy to cow’s milk is throughfood, with adequate replacement diet and nutritional counseling. Itis critical monitoring of anthropometry, caloric and protein intakeduring treatment, as well as the story of the birth, to avoid compromisinggrowth and development.(AU)

Humanos , Lactente , Hipersensibilidade , Hipersensibilidade a Leite , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Antropometria , Ingestão de Alimentos , Terapêutica , Estado Nutricional , Intolerância à Lactose/diagnóstico , Intolerância à Lactose/terapia , Nutrição da Criança
Rev Paul Pediatr ; 31(2): 152-8, 2013 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23828050


OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical and follow up characteristics of children enrolled in a program to supply formulas for cow's milk allergy. METHODS: descriptive study of a convenience sample composed of 214 children up to three years old, with clinical diagnosis of cow's milk allergy and/or standardized oral challenge, referred to the Program of Formulas for Cow's Milk Allergy at a Pediatric University Hospital, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (2007/2009). Clinical-epidemiological data and formula indication (soy, protein hydrolysates or aminoacid formula) were assessed at the first consultation. Clinical response and nutritional evolution (Anthro-OMS2006) were observed after three months. Chi-square and paired t-test were used, being p<0.05 significant. RESULTS: At the first consultation, mean age was 9.0±6.9 months. Digestive manifestations occurred in 81.8%; cutaneous ones, in 36.9% and respiratory ones in 23.8%. BMI Z-score <-2.0 standard deviations (SD) was found in 17.9% of children with isolated digestive symptoms, in 41.7% of those using cow's milk and in 8.7% of those using other formulas (p<0.01). The following formulas were used: soy in 61.2%, protein hydrolysates in 35.4% and aminoacids in 3.3%. Mean BMI Z-scores at initial consultation and after three months were, respectively: -0.24±1.47SD and 0.00±1.26SD (p=0.251), with soy formula, and -0.70±1.51SD and -0.14±1.36SD (p=0.322) with protein hydrolysates formula. CONCLUSIONS: Digestive manifestations of cow's milk allergy were preponderant, and lead to greater nutritional impairment. The use of replacement formulas (isolated soy protein and protein hydrolysates) was important to maintain the nutritional status.

Fórmulas Infantis , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/dietoterapia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Leite/efeitos adversos , Animais , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino
Rev. paul. pediatr ; 31(2): 152-158, jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-678397


OBJETIVO: Determinar características clínicas e evolutivas de crianças acompanhadas em programa de referência para fornecimento de fórmulas especiais para alergia ao leite de vaca. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo, realizado em amostra de conveniência, com 214 crianças até três anos, com diagnóstico clínico e/ou teste padronizado de provocação oral aberto, referenciadas ao Programa de Fórmulas para Alergia ao Leite de Vaca, em Hospital Universitário Pediátrico de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (2007/2009). Avaliaram-se dados clínico-epidemiológicos e indicação de fórmulas (soja, hidrolisado ou aminoácido) à consulta inicial, além de resposta clínica e evolução nutricional (Anthro-OMS 2006) após três meses. Aplicaram-se os testes do qui-quadrado e t pareado nas análises, considerando-se significante p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Ao primeiro atendimento, a média de idade foi de 9,0±6,9 meses. Manifestações digestórias foram observadas em 81,8%; cutâneas, em 36,9%; e respiratórias, em 23,8%. Escore Z do IMC <-2,0 desvios padrão (DP) foi encontrado em 17,9% das crianças com sintomas digestórios isolados, em 41,7% em uso de leite de vaca e em 8,7% com outras fórmulas (p<0,01). Fórmula de proteína isolada de soja foi usada em 61,2%; hidrolisados, em 35,4%; e aminoácidos, em 3,3%. As médias de escore Z do IMC ao atendimento inicial e após três meses foram, respectivamente, -0,24±1,47DP e 0,00±1,26DP (p=0,251), quando em uso de soja, e -0,70±1,51DP e -0,14±1,36DP (p=0,322), em uso de hidrolisado. CONCLUSÕES: Manifestações digestórias da alergia ao leite de vaca foram preponderantes e determinaram maior comprometimento nutricional. As fórmulas de substituição ao leite de vaca mais utilizadas foram de proteína isolada de soja e hidrolisados proteicos. O uso de ambas foi importante para a manutenção do estado nutricional.

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical and follow up characteristics of children enrolled in a program to supply formulas for cow's milk allergy. METHODS: descriptive study of a convenience sample composed of 214 children up to three years old, with clinical diagnosis of cow's milk allergy and/or standardized oral challenge, referred to the Program of Formulas for Cow's Milk Allergy at a Pediatric University Hospital, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (2007/2009). Clinical-epidemiological data and formula indication (soy, protein hydrolysates or aminoacid formula) were assessed at the first consultation. Clinical response and nutritional evolution (Anthro-OMS2006) were observed after three months. Chi-square and paired t-test were used, being p<0.05 significant. RESULTS: At the first consultation, mean age was 9.0±6.9 months. Digestive manifestations occurred in 81.8%; cutaneous ones, in 36.9% and respiratory ones in 23.8%. BMI Z-score <-2.0 standard deviations (SD) was found in 17.9% of children with isolated digestive symptoms, in 41.7% of those using cow's milk and in 8.7% of those using other formulas (p<0.01). The following formulas were used: soy in 61.2%, protein hydrolysates in 35.4% and aminoacids in 3.3%. Mean BMI Z-scores at initial consultation and after three months were, respectively: -0.24±1.47SD and 0.00±1.26SD (p=0.251), with soy formula, and -0.70±1.51SD and -0.14±1.36SD (p=0.322) with protein hydrolysates formula. CONCLUSIONS: Digestive manifestations of cow's milk allergy were preponderant, and lead to greater nutritional impairment. The use of replacement formulas (isolated soy protein and protein hydrolysates) was important to maintain the nutritional status.

OBJETIVO: Determinar características clínicas y evolutivas de niños acompañados en programa de referencia para suministro de fórmulas especiales para alergia a la leche de vaca. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, realizado en muestra de conveniencia, con 214 niños hasta tres años de edad, con diagnóstico clínico y/o prueba estandarizada de provocación oral abierta, referenciadas al Programa de Fórmulas para Alergia a la Leche de Vaca del Hospital Universitario Pediátrico en Natal, RN, Brasil (2007/2009). Se evaluaron datos clínico-epidemiológicos e indicación de fórmulas (soja, hidrolizado o aminoácido) a la consulta inicial, respuesta clínica y evolución nutricional (Anthro-OMS 2006) después de tres meses. Se aplicaron pruebas de Chi-Cuadrado y T Pareada en los análisis, siendo significante p<0,05. RESULTADOS: A la primera atención, el promedio de edad fue de 9,0±6,9 meses. Manifestaciones digestorias fueron observadas en 81,8%, cutáneas en el 36,9% y respiratorias en el 23,8%. Escore Z IMC<-2,0DE fue encontrado en 17,9% de los niños con síntomas digestorios aislados, en el 41,7% en uso de leche de vaca y en 8,7% en otras fórmulas (p<0,01). Se utilizó fórmula de proteína aislada de soja en 61,2%, hidrolizados en 35,4% y aminoácidos en 3,3%. Promedios de Escore Z IMC a la atención inicial y después de tres meses fueron -0,24±1,47DE y 0,00±1,26DE (p=0,251), cuando en uso de soja, y 0,70±1,51DE y -0,14±1,36DE (p=0,322), en uso de hidrolizado. CONCLUSIONES: Manifestaciones digestorias de la alergia a la leche de vaca fueron preponderantes y determinaron mayor comprometimiento nutricional. Las fórmulas de sustitución a la leche de vaca más utilizadas fueron de proteína aislada de soja e hidrolizados proteicos y el uso de ambas fue importante para el mantenimiento del estado nutricional.

Animais , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Fórmulas Infantis , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/dietoterapia , Leite/efeitos adversos , Seguimentos
Eur J Pediatr ; 172(3): 385-91, 2013 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23224345


The double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) is currently the gold standard to diagnose cow's milk allergy (CMA). However, DBPCFCs are burdensome, expensive and require specialised facilities. For primary care physicians, selective and consistent referral to DBPCFC of infants suspected of CMA may be difficult. The objective of this study was to assess the predictive value of clinical parameters for a positive DBPCFC in infants suspected of CMA. Clinical data from 124 infants suspected of CMA that had undergone a DBPCFC were collected. Out of a total of 23 parameters, nine candidate predictors were selected on clinical grounds. We used bootstrapped logistic regression analysis to find a more parsimonious and practical model. The prevalence of a positive DBPCFC was 34.7 % (95 % CI from 27 to 43). A well-calibrated diagnostic model containing as predictors abdominal cramps, inconsolable crying and the objective SCORAD index discriminated moderately well between infants with and without a positive DBPCFC. The area under the ROC curve was 0.68 (95 % CI from 0.58 to 0.78). The fifth and 95th percentiles of the positive DBPCFC predictive probability distribution were 17 and 73 % (17 and 59 % after correction for over-optimism). We conclude that a diagnostic model with three clinical parameters may be used for better referral of children suspected of CMA and the decision to either initially perform an open food challenge or directly perform a DBPCFC. Large prospective studies are needed to validate these findings and provide additional precision.

Técnicas de Apoio para a Decisão , Indicadores Básicos de Saúde , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Modelos Logísticos , Masculino , Análise Multivariada , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Curva ROC , Encaminhamento e Consulta , Estudos Retrospectivos
Public Health ; 126(10): 866-72, 2012 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23036776


OBJECTIVES: Costing studies are needed to identify the resources used for treatment and inform payers of the costs incurred. The objectives were to determine the costs of diagnosing and treating atopic dermatitis, food allergy and asthma, and to compare the share of costs to society and to the family during the first two years of life. STUDY DESIGN: The data were obtained from an ongoing mother-infant nutrition study. The sample comprised 60 infants who developed allergic disease by the age of 24 months and 56 healthy infants with no allergic disease. METHODS: The costs included diagnosis and treatment of the allergy, disability allowances, travel expenses and time spent by parents. RESULTS: The median costs per infant were €275 (range 94-1306) for atopic dermatitis, €1408 (163-5408) for asthma, €3182 (628-11195) for food allergy, and €10 (0-619) for the healthy infants due to the suspicion of allergic disease. The highest costs in atopic dermatitis were caused by primary care visits, topical treatments, travel costs and parents' time, and those for food allergy by hospital out-patient care, infant formulae for cow's milk allergy, disability allowances and travel costs. The families paid 43% of the costs arising from atopic dermatitis, 13.6% of those from food allergy and 16.5% of those from asthma. CONCLUSIONS: Cow's milk allergy emerged as the most expensive allergic disease, especially for the society, and concurrent asthma in particular further increased the costs.

Asma/economia , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Dermatite Atópica/economia , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/economia , Asma/diagnóstico , Asma/terapia , Pré-Escolar , Dermatite Atópica/diagnóstico , Dermatite Atópica/terapia , Feminino , Finlândia , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade Alimentar/terapia , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/economia , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/terapia , Estudos Prospectivos